On Fri Mar 14, 2003 at 12:38:37PM +1300, Damon Lynch wrote:

> The list maintainer has in the past indicated he has very little if any
> tolerance for off topic postings.  Furthermore, an off topic list has
> already been created:
> http://edificationweb.com/mailman/listinfo/mdk-offtopic_edificationweb.com
> But obviously people still feel the need to use this list from time to
> time..... so how about a rule that says if you've got an off topic
> discussion you're just itching to have, put it in no more than one line
> of your signature of a genuinely on topic e-mail, notifying where the
> off topic discussion can be held.
> Todd, is that ok with you?

There's been so much bloody noise on this list I'd recommend a
zero-tolerance policy.  One OT post and you're unsubscribed.

I'll ask Charles tomorrow for co-moderatorship of the list.  I have no
problem unsubscribing people wholesale who contribute crap threads like this
ridiculous boycott thread (I honestly could not believe my eyes on that

Frankly, there are 2-3 OT lists out there.  Use them.  If people are so
ignorant and selfish that they can't respect their fellow listmates by
keeping their OT crap off the list to begin with, then I don't think they
should be on the list.  Or at least they should have to go through the
hassle of resubscribing.

Obviously asking people doesn't help.  Todd's asked on a few occassions.  We
still get the idiots with their OT posts, and people who just "can't hold it
in any longer" (really, yes you can, I know you can).

Zero tolerance.  I'd like to see that done on all Mandrake lists.  The
amount of time some of us spend wading through this junk boggles me.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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