> This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
> use fetchmail to pop the mail from SBC, then deliver to a local postfix.
> Use postfix's tools to bounce via RBL if that floats your boat, or just

I would figure that's the easier way to go -- at least for me, since I
have already configured postfix/procmail/spamassassin for local
delivery here at home. It wouldn't be too much extra work to do that
at work - but I may get some pressure to stay within the Windows

> you're still reliant on SBC's "business" "services", you should be able
> to support everyone better than presently with any $300 white-box

I think we have a couple of PC-100 class machines - some are used for
internet searching at work - maybe one of them could do double duty as
a mail server. I'll try and recommend it.

> Or you could buy the commercial windows version of SpamAssassin for all
> of your desktops (http://www.mcafee.com/myapps/msk/) At $29 per desktop

Thanks. I did not make the connection between spamkiller and spam

I'm also looking at Cloadmark (c4.net) and other addins for outlook
or outlook express.

> Jack Coates

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