> I solved my problem, it turns out that if you edit the file 
> ~/.gnome/Gnome you can change the default bouser there.

> After:
> [URL Handlers]
> default-show=gnome-moz-remote --newwin "%s"
> info-show=nautilus --no-desktop "%s"
> man-show=nautilus --no-desktop "%s"
> ghelp-show=mozilla "%s"
> http-show=mozilla "%s"
> https-show=mozilla "%s"
> ftp-show=mozilla "%s"

Using mozilla here, will present you the Mozilla Profile editor, if
Mozilla was already running. You probably do not want that. (See my
other post.)

http, https and ftp are obsolete, if you want the default behavior for
them. Just remove them.

> This file is used whether using Gnome or KDE.

Sure, as Evolution is a Gnome app... ;-)


Davision - Atelier fuer Gestaltung / Internet / Multimedia
 UNIX / Linux Netzwerke und Schulungen - www.linux-campus.de
 Telefon 06151/17865   Fax 06151/178659

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