Am Montag, 2. Juni 2003 17:08 schrieb Jack Coates:
> Thanks Luca and Martin,
> There's a few things to answer so I went up the thread a bit and will
> try to do both.
> Luca noted, "
> But it won't do you any good if all your secrets are in sasldb. What
> happens if you remove completely /usr/lib/sasl/smtpd.conf? (sasldb
> should be the default then)."
> When I remove it, SASLDB keeps working. So, does this mean that the PAM
> setting never worked at all, and choosing a method which was somehow
> valid but not enabled caused the fallthrough to sasldb? I'm just very
> puzzled by it not working when I specify sasldb.
> and Luca also noted:
> "This is wrong: the sasldb for v1 and v2 have a different layout, so
> they should be two separate and distinct files. This has nothing to do
> with your problem though."
> Sorry,I caught that and did the conversion, so the v2 sasldb now lives
> in /var/lib/sasl2/sasl.db
> Martin asked, "What about to use sasldb as authentication method?"
> One of the things I've done while looking on the web is to note that
> sasl's default sasldb location is /etc/sasldb, not
> /var/lib/sasl/sasl.db. So, I put in a symlink to the v1 version.

This is a configuration issue at compiletime (or by *.conf file). By default 
mandrake uses /var/lib/sasl/sasl.db.

> > It just started working when I switched to pwcheck_method: pam.
> >
> > By just started working, I mean
> And Martin notes "This has nothing to do with the authentication mehtod
> (besides that only sasldb is able to handle *-MD5 passwords). This two
> lines only says thas smtpd is able to use those password encryption
> systems (or plain)."
> Understood now -- so the presence of the *-MD5 options means that
> Postfix can now communicate with sasldb whereas it couldn't before. So,
> this could be caused by either the symlink of the v1 db into /etc, or
> the symlink of /var/lib/sasl2/ to /var/state/saslauthd (another change
> suggested by Googling).

Not entirely; there are some libs in sasl (like libsasl7-plug-digestmd5 
package). These libs gives sasl the capability to use digest-md5 or something 
else. The auth line only says that smtpd is able to handle *-md5 passwords. 
It don't mean that it is able to autehnticate with it (for example if sasldb 
is missing).

> > now you're probably wondering what these two things have to do with one
> > another... I know I am.
> I should also clarify that I turned off chrooting in
> /etc/postfix/ many moons ago.

wise decission.

> Urgency is decreased now, but I'm certainly intrigued by the PAM
> integration option and I will try to get that working.

One possilbe problem is a wrong configure in the *.spec file of your changed 
sasl srpm. To be sure, recompile it again and watch for the configure line. 
there should be listed something like '--enable-pam'. 

> thanks again,

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