Am Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2003 23:43 schrieb James Sparenberg:
> On Wed, 2003-06-11 at 03:03, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> >
> > I think it would be better to have a new wiki. I don't think that the
> > german wiki should be an exact copy of the english one,
> They are seperate.  Kinda like how one apache server can have multiple
> "virtual" websites.

Thats not the main point. Just wanted to say that wikis in other languages 
will not be a copy of the english one. And the prefix solution is not that 
optimal since a f.i. german speaker will only see sporadic german sites. This 
would make finding solutions very difficult. 

> >  its more to have the german
> > wiki on the same place like the Community wiki. Translating intertesting
> > topics into german or vice versa can be made but syncing is not good I
> > think. It is more to compile knowledge out of the mailiglist and make
> > contribution for not english speaking people possible. To make it short:
> > I would prefer the "German/WebHome"-way. Would be great if you would
> > setup this Vincent.
> I hope I was understood when I mentioned cross posting.  Not 2 sites in
> Sync but rather where it's applicable, a link that references the
> other.  My thought being that if someone could only write his
> "contribution" in English or German, a link + babelfish would still make
> it usable for the other. (I couldn't count the number of times I've used
> French, Japanese or German sites just this way.) Heck sometimes I don't
> even bother with babelfish since "code is code".

If I would have a wish for free I would like a lot the translation feature of 
the club. It is very handy and allows easy translation of posts. The only 
multilanguage support I found on the twiki-web is the translate-keywords 
plugin. In wikipedia phase III you put a special keyword at the bottom of the 
page and have then a link at the upper left corner like 
[francais|espanol|deutsch] depending on the languages that wiki-page is 
(Have a look here: 
But the last option is not optimal. If a translation is done and a change in 
the mainpage is done the translator should be notified, maybe the other way 
round would be usefull too. Furter it is more handy like in the club, if the 
content that will be translated will be filled in in the page to translate. 
This way all markup can be taken from the original and just the text be 
translated. A babelfish button for untranslated pages would indeed be nice 



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