On 01 Jul 2003 14:45:24 -0700 James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 13:37, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> > On 01 Jul 2003 12:52:33 -0700 James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > It works as expected.. the parent automatically dies and the child
> > > continues it's run... Problem is when I put a similar case into an
> > > RPM and it runs it.  It hangs.  RPM will not continue until child
> > > runs it's course.  And all the time that rpm #1 is open I can't
> > > start installing rpm #2 (the rpm database does not multi-task.) 
> > > grrrr.  Although rpm uses bash shell scripts it sure doesn't use
> > > them correctly.
> > 
> > Sorry, I don't follow all the threads...  From what you say here, I
> > think what you are up against is DB locking...  and that won't be
> > solved with multiple threads unless the DB allows it, which I doubt. 
> > Kinda sounds like the rpm DB is Linux' "registry" in this respect...
> correct and if I can figure out how to make rpm start the auto install
> script ... then release it to continue on it's merry way I can cut
> installation time for my company by 40% Or at least the time required to
> find out if all rpms install correctly.  (the rpm in question takes
> about 80% of the total install time just waiting for the script is
> spawns to run.) Not to disimilar to the situation where you install a
> new  kernel.  It runs a number of commands (such as install_kernel) that
> if there was a way to run them ... then let the rpm command finish while
> they continue on their own.  The system would be able to begin
> installing the next rpm while the install_kernel command etc finished on
> it's own.  You know the old theory ... you can do anything with
> software... we'll, I'm trying to prove just that. *grin*

So you're gonna rip rpm apart and have it use separate DBs aligned with
the package categories already defined by Mdk...  Cool!  :^) :^)

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