I'm trying to mount an NTFS partition and make it readable by non-root. 
Regardless of how I mount it, however, it ends up with permissions of
600.  I can read it as root but not as a regular user.  The following is
an edited copy of the command line which shows what's happening:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]$ ls -al
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root           48 Jul  8 16:48 hd/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/hdc1 /mnt/hd ntfs user,ro,noauto,noexec 0 0

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]$ mount /mnt/hd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]$ cd /mnt/hd
bash: cd: /mnt/hd: Permission denied

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]$ ls -al
dr-x------    1 root     root         8192 Jul  3 08:50 hd/


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]# chmod 444 /mnt/hd
chmod: changing permissions of `/mnt/hd': Read-only file system

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]# exit

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mnt]$ ls -al
dr-x------    1 root     root         8192 Jul  3 08:50 hd/

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