On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 08:17, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> Colin Jenkins wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >when I run 'vnstat  >/var/www/html/usage' from a shell, I get a text
> >file with the correct output. When I run the same
> >as a cron task, it outputs a blank file.
> >any ideas why?

A shot here.  Does the file output blank if you run vnstat not from
withing the same directory as the executable?  meaning are you by hand
cd'ing to the vnstat dir and then doing ./vnstat?  If so maybe your cron
script needs to cd first then run it.


> >
> Does the file starts with #!/bin/sh so that it is recognized as a shell 
> script?
> Are you sure that the file is executable? "chmod a+x filename"

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