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David E Fox wanted us to know:

>I think I found a problem in /etc/lilo.conf
>Originally I had /dev/ram3 in the 2.4.19-35 image, and that
>didn't work. Also I noticed boot= set to /dev/hda, which is

It sounds like you installed the kernel rpm in rescue mode.  When you do
that, it grabs the current kernel commandline and attempts to keep all
the stuff it thinks it needs to.  It seems that it grabbed the
components used to boot into rescue mode instead of figuring out which
settings it needs from the lilo.conf file.  I can't blame anybody for
that as that could be insanely difficult, but it probably ought to be
tweaked a little to not use the ramdisk and initrd settings from rescue
mode.  I'm cc'ing this to gc and pixel for that.
- -- 
Blue skies...   Todd    Public key: http://www.mrball.net/todd.asc
There's a medical term for that:  freakishly dorky.         --Gash
Oh wait, is today cynical Friday?                          --NANOG
Linux kernel 2.4.19-24mdk   4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.14, 0.18
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: http://www.mrball.net/todd.asc


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