On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:

> On Wednesday 30 Jul 2003 1:57 am, Jack Coates wrote:
> > > > * Anne Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030729 09:20]:
> > > > > I was shocked to realise that my / is running out of space. 
> > > > > My current situation is
> > > > >
> > > > > Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> > > > > /dev/hde7             5.9G  5.3G  288M  95% /
> > > > > /dev/hde5             5.9G  2.7G  3.3G  46% /Data
> > > > > /dev/hde6             5.7G  452M  5.3G   8% /Graphics
> > > > > /dev/hde8            1012M  7.7M  953M   1% /boot
> > > > > /dev/hde10            5.8G   33M  5.5G   1% /holding
> > > > > /dev/hde9             9.7G  4.5G  5.3G  47% /home
> > > > > /dev/hdf1             5.3G  3.3G  1.8G  65% /mnt/Mdk9_0
> > > > > /dev/hdf6             3.9G  2.2G  1.7G  57% /mnt/OldData
> > > > > /dev/hdf7             6.7G  5.0G  1.7G  75% /mnt/OldHome
> > > > > /dev/hde1             3.9G  1.8G  2.2G  46% /mnt/windows
> >
> > ...
> >
> > looking at this more closely, what I would do is:

This is /exactly/ how I'd do it as well. I'll just expand on a few 
details of Jack's excellent methodology, for clarity's sake.

> > telinit 1
> > cp -a /usr/* /holding/
> > umount /holding
> > vi /etc/fstab and change /holding to /usr and vice versa.
> > mount /usr

Note that this mounts your new "copy" of /usr right over the old one; the
original files still exist and occupy space in /, but are now hidden. Only
the new copies (on the former /holding partition) are seen and used by the
system. The originals are still there, should you need to revert to them.

> > telinit 5
> >
> > Then see if everything still works. If it does,
> >
> > telinit 1
> > umount /usr

This "unhides" the original files in the "old" /usr.

> > rm -rf /usr/*

This removes the old copies of the original /usr files, leaving the /usr
directory empty, and now merely a mount point.

> > mount /usr
> > telinit 5
> holding is slightly smaller than /, but I could make a new partition,
> say 10GB and then do something similar.

Your /holding partition is already an excellent size for /usr - you don't
need 10G for that. And once /usr is out of /, you'll have plenty of room
there, too. I'd save any new partitions for data or other distros;  /usr
doesn't grow all that much, really - I'll bet that it's about 4G now, and
that's a fairly fully loaded /usr. Just MHO.

Bill Mullen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   MA, USA   RLU #270075   MDK 8.1 & 9.0
"There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are
two kinds of people in the world and those who don't." - Robert Benchley

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