Stefano Pogliani wrote:

The "Helper Applications" list is EMPTY on my mozilla installation. Do not know why.
I have lots of plugins that are declared to be installed (xine plugin, shockwave flash, default, javarpnp, nppdf) but NOthing in the Helpers.
So, may I ask you a favour?

  1. how could I install an Helper for each of the plugins ?
  2. also, I found 4 plugin directories on my system: mozilla,
     mozilla-1.3, mozilla-1.3.1, netscape.
     I have Mozilla 1.3.1.
     Should I keep all of the directories ?

thanks a lot.
Best regards

This is for an older installation but still works for the new Mozilla. I saved them from an old message, sorry didn't save the author's name...


1. If you don't have the player already, hit up this link and get it.

2. Go ahead and install it.

3. On my system, the executable installed to /usr/bin/realplay. Find out where it went on yours, and keep that info handy.

Now comes the fun part. Getting it to work with Netscape. According to help file for the G2 player, it will only play real audio and real video. But, that is incorrect as you will soon find out.

4. Open up Netscape and click on "Edit" and then "Preferences."

5. On the new screen that appears, click the little arrow next to "Navigator" and then "Applications."

On the right, you should see a list of all the mime types already in the
system. This is where we will be adding in the info to configure the G2
player. Now, my system didn't have any of the stuff that follows set up, but your 
might have a start. So, before you add anything listed below, look to see if it is 
already there and add/modify as needed.

6. Click the "New" button to bring up a new mime type.
7. Enter the following settings, then click the "OK" button to save them.

Description: RealMedia File
MIMEType: application/vnd.rn-realmedia
Suffixes: .rm
Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s

The description doesn't matter, but the rest does. Make sure to click the box next to 
"Application" to enable G2, and don't forget the "%s" part or it will just open G2 and 
not stream. If G2 installed somewhere other than
/usr/bin/realplay, replace that part with your path. Another thing to watch is that you but the 
"." in front of the suffix.

8. Add all of the following using the steps 6 & 7.

Description: RealVideo File
MIMEType: video/vnd.rn-realvideo
Sufffixes: .rv
Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s

Description: RealAudio File
MIMEType: audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
Suffixes: .ra, .ram
Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s

Description: RealAudio File 2
MIMEType: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Suffixes: .ra, .ram
Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s

Now, your G2 player should work great with Navigator. But say you hop over to and want to listen to for awhile. Well, sends you am mp3 play list, not a standard stream. This is nice if you're sitting behind a firewall and your administrator has blocked streamed data. To get this up and running on you Linux box, add this last part into Netscape, again using steps 6 & 7.

Desciption: Live365
MIMEType: audio/x-scpls
Suffixes: .pls
Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s

So, now maybe you want to hop over to and have a lsiten over there. No problem. look down the list for "MPEG Audio." Once you find it, click on it, then click on edit. Change the following:

MIMEType: audio/mpeg
Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s

(Click OK)

We have to add another one now. Follow step 6 & 7 to add this one in.

Desciption: MPEG Audio 2
MIMEType: audio/x-mpegurl
Suffixes: .m3u
Application: /usr/bin/realplay %s

(Click OK)

That should do it. Now the G2 player will handle all that media from the web with little or no hiccups. Enjoy!

We would like to hear your feedback.


Hope you fine them helpful and Thanks to the author of these



-- Abit VP-6 Mandrake 9.1 Kernel 2.4.21-0.25mdksmp

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