On Monday 18 Aug 2003 9:03 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 07:52, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > SMC Barricade 7401BRA adsl router
> >
> > On average, about once a week I have to reboot my router.  No
> > apparent reason - just that no Internet connection works any
> > more.  After a reboot, all is well, both on this box and all
> > others on the net.  I am not able to find any common denominator
> > leading up to the problem. Any ideas, anyone?
> >
> > Anne
> Does it have firmware that you can update.  I'd check on that
> first.
> --LX

Hi, LX.  Franki raised that one, but my reply to him was one of the 
ones that went missing, never appeared on the list.  Here is what I 
said to him:

Hi, Franki.  A little while ago I downloaded the latest flash for the 
router and the installation instructions, which were to flash it from 
within the web page. 'Mine not to reason why'. I thought, and tried 
it.  It didn't work.  I contacted their tech support, who said they 
would email alternative instructions.  They did, and it didn't work.  
It did screw up everything that had been there before, though, so I 
had to go in an reconfigure it.  There was a complication in that I 
couldn't get a connection, which my isp traced to a line fault, which 
BT denied, but a short time after it was working again.  Then I rang 
SMC's tech support again.  This time a guy asked me why I was trying 
to flash it.  He rather rudely said it was pointless - it was not 
necessary with the revision I had got.

Between that experience and the fact that it is impossible to release 
a range of ports for a session (ideally I would like it to be 
software triggered, but I'll do it manually if necessary) I feel that 
when I replace it, it will not be with an SMC product.

If I may, I will also copy in my replies to Ronald and Miark, which 
also went missing.

> Hmm, I wonder if this has anything to do with "lease time". My
> Dlink 604 uses a web page for configuration, and at one point you
> can adjust the lease time from a single hour up to a week. I have
> it set for a week, but I've never went longer than that to see if
> there is a lease issue.
> When booting up from any of my other 2 comps on the same LAN (and
> going thru the router), I get a boot up message to the effect that
> "infinite" lease time is used.
> Can any one else bring light to the murkiness here? :-)

Lease time to me implies dhcp, which I don't think is the issue.  I 
have a static ip both externally and internally - all our lan uses 


> Instead of re-starting the router, try re-starting the NIC.
> If that works, you can set up a cronjob to check and/or fix
> the problem on a regular basis.

Miark, this affects all boxes on the lan, so it's not the local nic.  
The router is a black box.  Do you mean the nic on the router?  We 
have tried an ftp session on it, and it seems to be running some sort 
of windows system.  I suppose it would be possible to work out a way 
of doing it.  I'll have a think about that.  It's a bit mind-boggling 
for so early in the morning <g> to use a linux box, ftp to a windows 
box, and remember what command the windows box would understand <bg>

I also sent a 'what's happening' mail, but sympa bounced it.  I 
complained to sympa, but haven't had anything back :-(  but that's 
another thread <g>


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