Bill grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> You can look on the web for iptables log which is where I found what I
> use.
> -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -m limit --limit 10/hour -j LOG --log-prefix

Ah, ok.  Now I see what I was doing wrong.

I am trying to use "-j REJECT" because I want to reject the packet.  I
also want to log it.  However, I see that my problem was that I was trying
to do a "-j REJECT LOG --log-prefix ..." on the command, which resulted in
my getting an error message.  Apparently you can't specify both.  Tell me,
if I do it as *two* commands, one with "-j REJECT" and one with "-j LOG",
will *both* rules fire when an offending packet comes in?  I.E., will it
reject the packet and then log it?  Or will it only act on whatever rule
was entered first/last?

> I also use to colorize my log while I am using tail -f this
> way I can see when I get a hit for iptables. I have it set for bright red
> and if someone logs in as root it set as blinking bright red

That sounds like a useful utility.  Where can I get it?

Thanks for the info!


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