On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 19:48, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 19:28, chort wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 18:10, Jack Coates wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 13:08, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > > ...
> > > > 
> > > > I like Todd's method rpm -e msec --nodeps and then put it into the urpmi
> > > > skip list *grin*
> > > > 
> > > > James
> > 
> > Whaaaa?  Uninstall msec???  It's a GREAT tool.  I'm glad Mandrake
> > includes it.  Just because you're running Linux doesn't mean you're
> > immune for any sort of attacks.  Ripping out the security mechanisms is
> > a good way to make it a target.
> > 
> > Learn to use msec correctly instead of banishing anything you don't
> > understand.
> IF someone gets through 2 (or 5) firewalls depending on my location...
> they probably aren't going to be slowed down by msec.  Yes it's a great
> tool.  But not a panacea.  C is a great language but lousy for fast
> prototyping. Need to apply the tool where need and not as a catch all.
> James

Point taken, but neither are firewalls a holistic solution.  There are
many avenues of attack which firewalls were never designed to stop. 
Besides, just having lots of layers doesn't mean security is increased. 
If all the firewalls run the same software/firmware or have the same
hardware weakness, they can all be bypassed just as easily.

I see msec as more protection against people who have permission to use
the machine, not unauthorized outside access.  According to most
estimates, 80-90% of attacks happen from the inside so it's really those
users you have to worry about any way.

I just have a knee-jerk reaction when ever someones solution to
inconvenient security mechanisms is to automatically remove them.  Some
are needed simply to protect us from ourselves.

Sure, the most usable computers are those without all the burden of
security, but by the same token it's easiest to destroy someones work on
an unprotected machine, so a balances needs to be struck.  msec and
Bastille (hope I spelled that right) are two very useful lockdown
utilities.  Just because they can occasionally be annoying doesn't mean
they should be whole-sale removed.

Brian Keefer

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