On Fri, 2003-09-12 at 11:20, Charlie M. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> September 12, 2003 11:41 am, David Rankin wrote:
> > Good bye Mandrake........
> >
> >     I can think of no more assinine way to kill a distribution's
> > reputation than to add to it what 100% of its user loath.
> Mr. Rankin;
> I do believe you're making a fairly broad assumption there David, on 
> little or no evidence. In fact I openly stated that I don't care what 
> they do to *survive,* as long as it doesn't become intrusive. If that 
> happens I won't wait to say goodbye; I'll be history and thanks for the 
> memories. So I would appreciate enormously you not trying to speak for 
> "100%" of Mandrake users. OK? 
> You don't know what 100% of Mandrake users are thinking. If you claim to 
> you must have political aspirations, or are possibly considering a 
> career in the clergy, since to the best of my knowledge they are the 
> only individuals that make such sweeping statements and broad 
> assumptions just to get their faces "Out There." 
> On "Faith" in other words. So please try not to claim any form of 
> "poetic license" since that's just a polite word for bullshit.
> I've also seen posts from some others that lead me to believe that they 
> too would wait to see what happens. If we're running a distribution of 
> GNU/Linux, and we are; and if we're advocating GNU/Linux to friends, 
> family, and business associates, and it seems we all are, then why the 
> Hell are we complaining if a survival mechanism for the distribution we 
> all seem to treasure is instituted so that we can keep working with it 
> and the company responsible for it? 
> If none of us gave a shit we wouldn't be complaining so vociferously, 
> now would we?
> My own personal mantra doesn't include whining about the way the world 
> is. I'd rather devote my energies to making certain my own little 
> corner of the real world improves. For everyone.
> For the people that are willing to listen to me around these parts, that 
> improvement includes, and will continue to include for the foreseeable 
> future, Mandrake Linux. If the management of MandrakeSoft have to take 
> "drastic steps" to insure their corporate survival it must mean they 
> want that as well.
> I'll say it once more for those that didn't get it yet;
> As long as whatever the 'Powers That Be' in MandrakeSoft Management do 
> doesn't intrude on me, or those that I advocate the distribution to, 
> I'll back them the way I always have. If it does, _boom!_ I'm gone. Not 
> an ultimatum, a fact. A very *personal fact;* that means nothing in the 
> greater scheme of things.
> Clear enough?

Actually,  You must also consider that you are making a contextual
assumption.  That assumption is that what you believe him to be talking
about is in fact what he's referring to.  His statement is, accurate. 
Now as to what it is that 100% of it's users loath.  He hasn't
specified.  You have assumed.  He didn't specify.  So personally I
didn't feel he was making any statement with which I find fault.  He's
right ... if 100% (or statistically close to 100% since nothing of man, 
is ever absolute.) of the users loath it.  It will kill it.  If however
it isn't something that 100% loath but a large enough group do loath it
also will kill, or cripple it.  (Case in point, the Edsel, one vehicle
line out of 20 offered that year, that nearly bankrupted Ford.) 

You yourself, have given over a scenario that might qualify as part of
the 100% loath factor.  When the adds intrude upon what you want to do. 
Say for example ... data mining.  Personally I put the adds in place of
screensavers (look into cooker you'll see that 9.2 has no screensavers
other than xscreensaver in the main.  This means that the adds are for
Gnome and KDE the only available screensaver.) On the order of zeroconf,
galaxy and mdkkdm.  Unwanted intrusions that fall under the first order
of removal and only serve to make Mandrake installs look more
complicated than they really are.  


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