On Tue Sep 30, 2003 at 08:20:51PM -0700, James Sparenberg wrote:

> > >    I preparation for the coming of 9.2, is the proposed Anthill bug
> > > tracking system going to be available/used?  Since there are so many
> > > (self included) who've been asking for this I'd like to possibly hold
> > > some fingers to the fire so to speak to possibly recruit some help if
> > > you need it, in order to make it work.
> > 
> > I was going to wait until this week to mention it (when I hopefully get the
> > rest of the translations done and can roll out anthill 0.2.4) but...
> > 
> > http://bugs.mandrakelinux.com/
> > 
> > 9.2 has a tool called drakbug that will help assist in reporting bugs by
> > giving system information (optional) to bug reports so, as long as you have
> > an anthill account, you can create the report text on your desktop.
> > 
> > 
> > This is part of the reason I've been so busy in the last 2 weeks.. doing
> > some frantic bug squishing in the Anthill code to make it ready.
> > 
> > =)
> > 
> > Enjoy!
> No sweat .... and thanks loads I think it will help once we get the
> "usage bugs" ironed out.  OK.  I don't know what help Vincent needs here
> (bug monitors for dups etc.) but I hope he asks.  As for Anthill. 
> Anyone here feel confident enough to write up a "How to" for bug
> submission to put in the TWiki?  Just having the tool won't help if we
> use it wrong on incomplete. 

If you want to do that, read http://bugs.mandrakelinux.com/faq.php first...
that kinda defines what is a bug, "rules of good reporting", etc.  Feel free
to flush it out and put it on the wiki.

Using Anthill is pretty simple... it was designed to be easy to use and easy
to administer.  Should be lots faster than bugzilla as well.

Bug monitors are definitely wanted.  And, as I indicated in another message,
those who go in there and really attempt to help solve reports (either by
submitting fixes/patches, indicating that a bug isn't really a bug, etc.)
will likely get elevated (if they wish) to be able to close bugs themselves.
Right now, activity is pretty light... there's just been one real bug report
so far.

> Vincent,  Please, if you need help ask.  There are enough of us out of
> work that time is available.  (grin)

Thanks, James... I will definitely keep this in mind.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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