On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 10:38:46 -0500
Praedor Atrebates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> Just ran MandrakeUpdate and ran into a problem I seem to come across
> more often than I ever should.  It lists bug and security fixed
> packages as per normal but when I select them for install, the rpms do
> not exist.  I get an error message about them not existing and a
> question whether I want to skip it or not, etc.

I would do it from the command line like so:

urpmi.update -a


urpmi --update --auto-select

what you are probably running into is that your sources are out of date
and that is what the 1st command will take care of (hopefully).

If it still does not work, try changing the update source to a different

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