A little more info from my syslog, showing what
happens when I try a test
message to myself (to my yahoo account):

Oct 14 21:07:50 stonekeep postfix/smtp[3396]:
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=none, delay=3849,
status=deferred (connect to
mx4.mail.yahoo.com[]: Network is
Oct 14 21:07:50 stonekeep postfix/smtp[3398]: connect
mx2.mail.yahoo.com[]: Connection timed out
(port 25)
Oct 14 21:07:50 stonekeep postfix/smtp[3398]: connect
mx1.mail.yahoo.com[]: Network is
unreachable (port 25)

What's with the timeouts?  I get the same thing for
messages sent from my
local box to the expert list.  I can only send
messages now if I go to the
yahoo web interface.  Local-sent messages timeout in
every single case as
above so I end up with a growing deferred mail list.

Any ideas?

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