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October 19, 2003 01:18 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Thanks for an opportunity to join a rant Anne. (-;
> >
> > The sad part is that so many people will be taken in by such
> > transparent "social engineering" crap. I spend more time de-worming
> > infected Windows boxes than I do at anything else, and I'm not even
> > trying to make a living at it.
> My daughter gets her email through Mozilla on windows98.  She
> carefully deletes everything that she doesn't recognise as genuine
> mail.  She runs antivirus and keeps it up to date.  Still she keeps
> getting virused emails in from the people who are on a mailing group
> that she must use - the av software tells her it's there, but it's
> too late.  They can't fully activate, of course, under Mozilla, as
> they can't launch the appropriate M$ apps to do it, but they still
> manage to corrupt several files each time.  The cab files are always
> corrupted, and so is a java file.  Occasionally there's one or two
> more - this time there were two downloaded zip files corrupted.

I'm with you. The one exception to the "all the traffic will bear" rule I 
mentioned is people that I know don't do silly things. Like using Lookout 
Infect for e-mail. Those are people that I just sympathize with and help as 
I'm able.

As an aside, doesn't the free Zone Alarm install include some sort of script 
blocking for e-mail, or is that only for that infection transport agent that 
comes with Windows as an e-mail client? Also I find it amazing that an 
anti-virus app can't freeze a virus at the door when the message first enters 
the queue. Is she running with java and scripting on or off in e-mail and 
newsgroups? Turning them off may actually help somewhat.

> Quite apart from the time I spend on this, it makes me very angry that
> she takes every precaution a non-geek can be expected to take, and
> yet still she suffers this regularly.  As to where they come from - I
> think without exception they have come from people who send their
> mails through their work account, in local hospitals!
> Anne

If that's the case, and since we aren't able to track down and keelhaul the 
author of the mal-ware, we should string up the sysadmins at those 
institutions. Or at least the users that are clicking everything in site at 
the facility.

Or both. <vbeg>

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User 244963 at http://counter.li.org
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The only rose without thorns is friendship.
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