Hello Richard,

Sunday, October 19, 2003, 5:52:45 PM, you wrote:

RU> On Sunday 19 Oct 2003 9:05 pm, Dick Gevers wrote:

RU> My sister currently has 1479 messages on her ISP's POP3 server
RU> waiting to be downloaded, probably 99.9% Swen, so 100K each on a
RU> 40K dialup line. She's  ditched the ISP and gone to Compu$erve
RU> (argh!).

My sympathies. I used to use Compuserve. Yech.

RU> Currently she still doesn't  have email setup, nor an email client
RU> apart from Lookout, an antivirus  package or a firewall.

This needs a bit of redoing. :-)

RU> My current thoughts are Pegasus, Mozilla, Spybot S&D.

If you use Proxomitron and DNSkong with the pre-configured files I
mentioned in an earlier note, there is a rather small chance of
getting any spyware. If you surf porn, hacking, or other nefarious
sites, use Spybot once in a while, and it would be best to add a
Trojan scanner as well.

RU> Don't know whether to go Mcafee or AVG (or some other.)

Forget Mcafee. AVG is OK. The MOST important thing is to get rid of
ALL M$ software, though, except the OS. This will help you FAR more
than all the after-the-fact fixes you can add to the M$ pile of junk.

RU> Howabout firewalls?

See my earlier note.

RU> In the longer term she could probably handle Linux, but the lack
RU> of an MS Publisher clone is holding her back. Any answers for
RU> that?

Two machines, or dual boot? Run MS Publisher only when she MUST do it,
and run ONLY that on Win. Email, surf, news, etc, in linux.


 rikona                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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