On Monday 20 October 2003 09:41 pm, Cy Kurtz wrote:

> > C'mon, I'll give you ten to one on the Windows box... ;-)
> no no no wait a minute!
> What happens when Linux becomes as popular as windows? Most people
> writing virii are aiming at windows boxen, because they are more
> numerous. People writing virii want to do as much damage as possible, so
> they are going to go after the most popular OS.

Every time I see this comparison, I wince.  Explain to me how you can compare 
a single OS built by a monolithic entity that controls all of the source code 
and releases only the information that puts them in the best possible light 
with an OS built by literally dozens of different teams, each to their own 
specifications that basically share a common kernel but have different 
directory structures, package managers, peripheral drivers, etc.

As much as I think that Linux will become a bigger target eventually, I do NOT 
think that anyone can generalize and say that one virus that exploits a 
vulnerability on one distribution of Linux will automatically propagate to 
every distribution.  Ever tried to get a package that was built to be 
portable to actually port over to a different distribution?  And they are 
trying to make it portable and can include code specifically designed to do 
so.  Viruses have to be small and compact.

Linux is not the same as Windows and comparisons of this nature only serve to 
make people forget WHY MS products have a tendency to be compromised more 
often and it has a lot to do with the unified environment, the same thing 
that MS is quick to take credit for when it works in their favor, and anxious 
to make people forget when you point out that it also works against them.

I would not go so far as to say that Linux can not be compromised but given 
the age of the system, the fact that a lot more businesses run Linux which 
makes it a more attractive target for ego purposes, and the fact that with 
open source, MS could have been publishing exploits on Linux, if they were 
there, instead of funding dubious analyst research on ROI that nobody pays 
attention to, I feel pretty confident that Linux is much more secure than 
average Windows.

The fact is that it is MUCH easier to write viruses for Linux, (something that 
these "journalists" often overlook) because of the fact that the source code 
is published so that virus writers can go through line by line and look for 
vulnerabilities.  With Windows, they have to decompile and reverse engineer 
to find weak points that may end up being dead ends.  Given the different 
nature of open source, we should be seeing many more viruses written for 
Linux than for Windows, if only because it is so much easier to do it.

As for social engineering, based on my own experience, I would trust a Linux 
user to do the smart thing well before trusting the average Windows user, but 
hey, that might be just me.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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