I use kweather to track what is happening in Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Seems to
work just fine. I go back and forth between MDK 9.1 and XP throughout
the day, so I don't notice any long-term use related problems.

It seems to me that when I went to set it up, Viet Nam (or at least Ha
Noi) was not among the options available, but as I recall I typed Ha Noi
in and the program was happy to start providing the weather info. (Right
now I am going by memory, not going back through the configuration
proceedures - excuse my lazyness.)


> On Sunday 26 October 2003 01:23 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
>> Does anyone use this applet?  Under 9.0 it recognised my local
>> station, but under 9.1 it only seems to deal with North America.  Can
>> anyone tell me what the problem is?
> I used it in NA for 9.1 for a while, but it had a nasty memory leak
> that would  bring my machine to its knees occasionally so I have not
> used it since.  I'll  give it a try and report back.
> --
> /g
> "Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
> a dog it's too dark to read" -Groucho Marx

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