On Wednesday 29 Oct 2003 8:37 pm, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2003 20:28 schrieb Anne Wilson:
> > On Wednesday 29 Oct 2003 5:04 pm, Steffen Barszus wrote:
> > > Am Mittwoch, 29. Oktober 2003 16:27 schrieb Anne Wilson:
> > > > With a lot of help from the GnomeMeeting list I have finally
> > > > got it working as user - this with pwcx forced.  I now need
> > > > to make it automatically do this.  As I understand it I now
> > > > have to insert into /etc/modules.conf the line
> > > > post-install pwc /sbin/insmod -f
> > > > /home/anne/tmp/ToUcam/usb-pwcx-8.2.2/x86/gcc-3.2/pwcx-2.4.20.
> > > >o > /dev/null 2>&1  || :
> > > >
> > > > Does that look right?  I'm not sure what the last part of
> > > > this means.
> > >
> > > Hell. Please copy pwcx-2.4.20.o to /lib/modules/<uname
> > > -r>/misc/ ,
> >
> > done
> >
> > > run depmod -a afterwards
> >
> > Problems - depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
> > /lib/modules/2.4.21-0.13mdk/misc/pwcx-2.4.20.o
> I guess this is quite normal. You propably have compiled the driver
> module w/o module versioning support. This can cause this error.
That's a relief <g>

> > > and then insmod it from where or try
> > > modprobe on it. I don't think its a good idea to insmod a
> > > kernelmodule from users home (maybe the dir has write access
> > > for the user ...
> >
> > What now?
> The above error doesn't mean necessarily anything bad. Just change
> the insmod line to correct the path. I was just concerned that the
> module lays in your home. If you want "make it right" , you could
> recompile the module. With some drivers i had that too. With
> the problem was cured.
Thanks, Steffen.  It works fine from it's new home.  Now all I have to 
do is find out how to keep the right perms on /dev/video*

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