In case this is one assistance to anyone who might not have been able to get 
k3b to recognise their writer.

I use LiteOn CD readers and writers exclusively on any of my own systems or 
systems that I build.

Using Mandrake 9.1

On one of my systems I had a reader and writer on the one cable. The reader 
was at the end of the cable, and later I installed and connected a writer 
into the center of the cable. I then started to use k3b which recognised both 
accurately. However, after some months, the reader had problems. The reader 
didn't read and the system told me that no media was present.

The reader was jumpered as the master and the writer was jumpered as the 

I couldn't boot a CD-ROM, so I altered the positions of both drives on the 
cable. Put the writer at the end and the reader in the centre of the cable, 
and jumpered the writer as master and just to fill up the hole and try the 
reader again, still put the plug in and jumpered it as slave.

Surprise, surprise. The reader worked again and the writer booted CD's But 
when I tried to burn CD's, k3b would not recognise the writer. Saw it only as 
a reader. Just in case, uninstalled k3b and then reinstalled it, but it still 
registered 2 readers, no writer.

So I took a panel of the box, left the CD drives where they were, but just 
jumpered the writer as slave again, and the reader as master. Invoked k3b, it 
now recognised the writer as such and the reader correctly also. The reader 
still worked and the writer with k3b burned CD's without and trouble.

Thought I would pass this on in case it might help anyone that was having 
trouble with k3b not recognising writers>

The birch tree is all over green in small leaf, more light and elegant than
when it is full out. It bent to the breezes, as if for the love of its own
delightful motions.

Dorothy Wordsworth

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