Recently I have noticed that my drive is noisy from time to time.  It 
is a 6-month old drive, with an older one as slave.  I have unmounted 
all the partitions on the old drive, but it is still happening, so I 
have to assume that it is the new drive.

We have had workmen in the house for over 2 weeks, and there has been 
an incredible amount of dust.  I cleaned out the inside of the box as 
well as I could after the main part of the work was complete, but it 
was only at about time that the noise started.  I think it is when 
writing to swap.

I suspect that dust has got in where I cannot follow.  How likely is 

I wonder if I should be buying another drive of the same size, then 
doing an overnight cp -a to the new drive, then attempting to use 
rsync to keep them mirrored, just in case.  What do you think?

Registered Linux User No.293302
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