On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 19:11, Bill Mullen wrote:

> Also worth knowing is that "view" is equivalent to "vi -R" (and quite a 
> bit easier to remember) ... "gview" is the same as "gvim -R", also ...

That's not nearly as fun though!  Want a rush?  Logon as root and start
randomly opening files with vi :)

Seriously though, thanks for the 'view' command.  I'll switch to that I
think, it seems easier to remember - especially if I can still override
with :w!
Michael Holt
Snohomish, WA                       (o_
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     (o_  (o_  //\    
www.holt-tech.net         (/)_ (/)_ V_/_     www.mandrakelinux.com     
-2. `We are shutting xxx down from 8.30 to 10.30 on Thursday to install
new tape drive.'
The machine was up at about 2pm sans-tape drive

        --Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say

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