On 9/14/07, Ulf Rompe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 06.09.2007, 11:12 +0200 schrieb Stephane Delcroix:
> > An update on the RAW status...
> >
> > - since a few days, db supports versions of images with different
> > extensions
> > - I wrote an addin that'll help you fix your actual db by merging raw
> > +jpeg files of the same image as only one image with versions. This
> > will
> > be available very soon via the 'Manage extensions' menu entry.
> > - I wrote a patch for ufraw and it was accepted so f-spot can force
> > the
> > output file while converting to raw. I still have to write an addin so
> > it "Develop in ufraw" appears in everyone's contextual menu.
> Thanks a lot! It may seem pointless to post to a mailing list just to
> say "thank you", but I believe you have just enlarged F-Spot's user base
> a lot with this single mail. At least you finally got me into the boat.

I agree that this is a great feature to have! Thanks a lot for that. I
have missed it since I got my DSLR :)

Other great features I would like is:

* Be able to tag a photo from the command line. Since I have some
duplicates of my files placed in folders like "print_this", "move this
to web", etc. I would like to be able to make a short script to make
it tags instead. For similar purposes I think it could be usefull to
me and others to be able from the command line to: see which tags a
photo have & too see which photos have a given tag.

* Have a "mirror" of the image repository on my laptop, in a way so I
can tag the photos and add new photos on my laptop, without the photos
on the laptop is not full size(unless they are added from the laptop).
And then when I come back to the desktop be able to import the changes
from the laptop. This way I could make tags etc. while being on
trains/planes home from something I have fotographed.

* I use the Bibble program to do some changes in the images. I would
like my workflow to be:
1) import jpeg+raw in f-spot
2) tag the photos I like in f-spot
3) make a new version of one or more photos in Bibble. The output is a
.bib in a.jpg where the .bib is Bibbles description of how it
transforms the raw file into the jpg
4) If I want Bibble to make new version from an old already bibled
version, it should get the raw file and the .bib for that version.

I think the last two features requires a lot of work, and the first
one should be fairly simple?

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