Am Donnerstag, den 06.09.2007, 11:12 +0200 schrieb Stephane Delcroix:
> - the code for reparenting an image as version of another dy drag'n
> drop is already in trunk, just not compiled yet (compile with
> -d:ENABLE_REPARENTING if you want to give it a try)

I have just tried it out. It works like a charm, but at the same time it
is a bit dangerous. Imagine the user who has marked 500 images, begins
to drag them and drop them onto a another photo by accident. He will end
up with a very innovative way of browsing his photos. :-)

So, in my eyes there are two things missing:

     1. A warning dialog, asking the user if he really wants to reparent
        the dragged images.
     2. A possibility to split out wrongly parented images. This feature
        would also be nice to have for edited pictures which differ so
        much from the original that one would like to see them as a new
        image instead of a version.

But again, thanks a lot for your work on this project. I'm getting more
and more excited about the newly added features of F-Spot.

[x] ulf 

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