On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 5:15 PM, David Salib <dsa...@fibrenoire.ca> wrote:

> Kurt:
> which returned the same environment as the hashbang :
> $ which python
> /usr/bin/python
> $ head -n 1 `which fab`

head -1 `which fab` saves 2 chars :)

> Thierry : virtualenv makes it work, thanks. Seems like a kludge to me
> though.

Main point is that it isolates packages from system and other envs
Then, you can *nuke* one without changing others

And it works as it should

[master]$ workon py27
[master]$ which python
(py27) [master]$ head -1 $( which fab )

it's just unix pathâ„¢

Cheers, Thierry
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