I'm going to try and put together Fabric 1.x packages for Arch Linux and Debian, for people like myself with old fabfiles they don't want to update. The current state is that all the linux packages default to Fabric 2.x. My feeling is that instead there should be both 'fabric1' and 'fabric2' linux packages, because 2.x is more an 'incompatible rewrite' than an 'new version'. As someone who's not interested in updating to 2.x, I keep getting confused every time I figure out how to run my 1.x files, so I thought I should just package this stuff up :).

To make things more confusing, "pip install 'fabric<2.0' runs on python3, but then 'fab' fails to actually run. I don't plan to backport python3 support to fabric 1.x, just package up a 'fab' that installs on and uses python2.

Any thoughts on how details should work? For example, should the packages be incompatible, or compatible? Compatible would mean renaming executables ('fab1').

Also let me know if there's anything I should coordinate with someone on? I'll handle stuff on my own if I don't hear anything. For example - if you're opposed, although I'd be a bit surprised with the discussion of the 'fabric3' pip package - renaming standard packages to 'fabric2' ('fabric' and 'fabric1' would be super confusing, I think the ideal is 'fabric1' and 'fabric2', no meta package, with an automatic migration path.)
- if someone has already done this work and I'm unaware
- if someone else wants to own and maintain the package (I'm fine maintaining at least the Arch one, but someone else can do it if they prefer)
- updating documentation or putting these packages
- adding a 'fabric1' and 'fabric2' pip package, especially if there are any plans to backport/patch onto a 1.x branch

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