- I think it's worth asking the distros if they would allow a Python 2 Fabric 1 option, for those users who are still stuck supporting Py2, but like you say I would not be surprised if they've already closed that door.
Will do. I'll hand them a package and they can say yes or no (asking
before making a package will get stupid responses, sadly). It's not
that much work, and I'll learn what I need for a py3 fabric1 package
even if they say no.

OK, well some small updates.
- Debian has indeed closed the door on new python2 packages, trying to eliminate python2 from their ship stack altogether - Arch doesn't seem to have any problem with it, but the default install for everything is python2. That means I'll need to re-add a python2 version of paramiko as a dependency (and maybe invoke? I don't think so).

I wrote an Arch package, which installs and starts up Fabric 1.14.1 running on Python 2 fine. However, it looks like there are some bugs in this version--running it on my production stuff, ssh output hangs partway through. I suspect some bad interaction with paramiko, or maybe a buggy paramiko version is being selected. I'd like to fix it, but I'm feeling a bit lost on tracking down the problem honestly. I'll take a break and figure out how to get more debug info later.

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