I'm learning factor and have some of those noob questions.  I can
program in quite a few languages, the usual things plus Smalltalk,
Ruby and a little Forth, so my questions aren't really about the
language (which looks pretty interesting).  It is the simple things
like using the REPL appropriately.  Right now, I'm using Scite and
while I'm usually willing to switch editors (and really want syntax
coloring) I'm am not willing to switch to emacs so FUEL is not an
option.  I looked at emacs again today and I know people really love
it, but no, I'm not willing to switch.  So here is my question...

I edit my code in Scite, press ctrl-S to save the file.
Atl-tab to switch to the Factor listener.
Press ctrl-P
Down arrow twice to the line "xxxx" reload
Press enter twice
Assuming I didn't screw anything up (I'm a noob, remember)
Press ctrl-P
Down arrow twice
Press enter twice to run the word for my app

I'm sure there is a simpler way and I'm going to feel dumb when you tell me ;-P


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