Now that Factor has first-class struct objects and a growing set of C  
library bindings, we're heading toward a situation where C type  
definitions might conflict between vocabularies. To head off this  
problem, I've changed it so that C types are identifiable by words in  
addition to by strings. This way, they're scoped to a vocabulary and  
conflicts can be managed with USING:, QUALIFIED:, and FROM: as with  
other words. The primitive types (int, char, void*, and so on) are  
defined in alien.c-types. TYPEDEF: and STRUCT: define C type words in  
the current vocabulary. FUNCTION:, TYPEDEF:, and STRUCT: will  
transparently look up C types as words instead of strings if possible,  
so code that only defines new typedefs, structs, and C function  
bindings shouldn't need to change. To make this change smooth, code  
that treats literal strings as C types will continue to work for now,  
but new code should use the words if possible.

One upshot of this change is that there are new potential ambiguities  
between the "alien.c-types:float" C type and the "math:float" class,  
and the "alien.c-types:short" C type and the "sequences:short" word.  
I'm planning to make some changes to mitigate this issue:

- Words for allocating arrays of C objects (<c-object>, <c-array>,  
malloc-array, and so on) as well as utility words such as byte-length,  
c-bool>, etc. will move soon to an "" vocabulary, leaving  
"alien.c-types" containing only the primitive C types. This should  
eliminate references to alien.c-types in the vast majority of code  
that doesn't need the core C types.
- I'm thinking about moving the number classes (integer, float,  
complex, etc.), which are currently all in the "math" vocabulary, into  
the appropriate subvocabularies of math. integer, bignum, and fixnum  
will live in "math.integers", float will live in "math.floats",  
complex will live in "math.complex", and ratio will live in  
"math.ratios" . Most code that uses the "math" vocabulary doesn't need  
to directly reference any of the number classes, so with this and the  
"" refactoring, the only time you should have a "float" word  
ambiguity is in the tiny set of cases in which you explicitly need  
both the float C type and the float Factor class.

"short" isn't used terribly often as either a word or a C type, so I  
don't think it's much of a problem. Does anyone have any objection to  
the above changes?


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