On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Shaping <shap...@charter.net> wrote:
> If I want general-to-particular reading order, must I define a parsing word
> of my own?
>  -b/2a  <:  b negated a/2 *

Defining a <: operator with that exact syntax is not possible. For
one, in Factor, new symbol names can only be created as part of syntax
forms, and so must come after a syntax word of some sort. The new name
"-b/2a" in this case comes before the <: syntax word. The other
problem is that you need some way to indicate where the expression
whose value is being bound ends.

You could, however, define a form with explicit opening and closing
tokens, for example:

[set -b/2a := b negated a/2 * ]

The definition for "[set" would look something like this:

SYNTAX: [set
    scan locals get parse-def ! scan a token and parse it as a locals binding
    ":=" expect ! scan a token and raise an error if it's not ":="
    \ ] parse-until ! scan and parse objects until the "]" word is parsed
    swap suffix! append! ;
    ! append first the expression body, then the local definition to
the parser accumulator
    ! as if it had appeared as "expression :> name"

:: foo ( x y -- z ) [set z := x y + ] z ;


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