TUPLE: digits text ;
TUPLE: punc text ;
TUPLE: upper text ;
TUPLE: lower text ;
TUPLE: whitespace text ;

EBNF: categorize
digits = [0-9]+ => [[ >string digits boa ]]
lower = [a-z]+ => [[ >string  lower boa ]]
upper = [A-Z]+ => [[ >string  upper boa ]]
punc = [!-/:-...@[-`{-~]+ => [[ >string punc boa ]]
ws = " " | "\t" => [[ >string whitespace boa ]]
line = (ws|digits|lower|upper|punc)+

" 'Jim Mack.' " categorize

    " "
    T{ punc { text "'" } }
    T{ upper { text "J" } }
    T{ lower { text "im" } }
    " "
    T{ upper { text "M" } }
    T{ lower { text "ack" } }
    T{ punc { text ".'" } }
    " "

Please, how do I get the ws to function the way the other char sets do?
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