Well, there's your problem: you don't want `run-pipeline` at all.  :)

  IN: scratchpad "echo \"Hi\"" run-detached my-process set-global
  IN: scratchpad my-process get-global .
  T{ process
      { command "echo \"Hi\"" }
      { environment H{ } }
      { environment-mode +append-environment+ }
      { group +same-group+ }
      { status 0 }

`run-pipeline` is like a series of Unix pipes.  So,

  { "cat log.txt" "grep error" "sort" "uniq" } run-pipeline

is like typing

  $ cat log.txt | grep error | sort | uniq

at a bash prompt.  Except not every element of the pipeline has to be a
process descriptor---you can insert Factor code along the way.

Roughly, it works by sequentially calling `run-pipeline-element` on each
item in your sequence.  `run-pipeline-element` is defined by:

  IN: scratchpad \ run-pipeline-element see-methods
  USING: combinators destructors io io.pipes.private kernel
  quotations ;
  M: callable run-pipeline-element
          [ [ ?reader ] [ ?writer ] bi* ] dip
          [ ( -- result ) call-effect ] curry with-streams*
      ] with-destructors ;

  USING: accessors destructors io.launcher io.pipes.private kernel
  M: object run-pipeline-element
      [ >process swap >>stdout swap >>stdin run-detached ]
      [ drop [ [ dispose ] when* ] bi@ ] 3bi wait-for-process ;

I.e., it's already calling `run-detached` on anything in the pipeline
that's just a process description.  Otherwise, it expects a quotation that
takes no inputs, produces one output, and then calls that quotation with
the I/O streams rebound.  E.g.,

  IN: scratchpad { "cat /tmp/patch" [ readln >string ] } run-pipeline .
      "diff --git a/basis/prettyprint/prettyprint-tests.factor

We see that the result of the first item in the pipeline is 0 (the exit
code of cat), and the result of the second item in the pipeline the output
from the Factor quotation, which it read from standard-input.  Except that
standard-input was bound to the output of the prior pipeline element (the
output of cat).

Hope that helps,
--Alex Vondrak
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