Hi -
Ok, I've upgraded using factor-macosx-x86-32-2013-07-25-14-21.dmg,
still Version 0.97. Same issue with Factor's "which":

IN: scratchpad USE: tools.which
IN: scratchpad "couchdb" which .

IN: scratchpad "python" which .

- The trouble appears to be with reporting my PATH properly, via getenv:

IN: scratchpad USE: environment
IN: scratchpad "PATH" os-env .

IN: scratchpad USE: unix.ffi
IN: scratchpad "PATH" getenv .

IN: scratchpad \ getenv see
USING: alien.c-types alien.syntax ;
IN: unix.ffi
LIBRARY: libc FUNCTION: c-string getenv ( c-string name ) ;

- Here's my actual PATH, as seen in the terminal:

➜  ~ git:(master) ✗ echo $PATH

- whereby which correctly finds couchdb:

➜  ~ git:(master) ✗ which couchdb

So, Factor's "which" (et al.) doesn't search beyond

Reading through man getenv (GETENV(3), on OSX 10.6.8 ), doesn't give me
a clue as to how to rectify this short-sightedness via the libc getenv.

This is probably a side issue to my docsplit quandary (but maybe not).
Anyone see a way to report my actual PATH to "which" in Factor? My PATH is
augmented in my .zshrc. I don't understand why the libc function doesn't
read it. Odd, indeed!


On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 4:39 PM, John Benediktsson <mrj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thats odd, Factor's "which" just looks in the $PATH for your executable.
>     IN: scratchpad "PATH" os-env
> You can read a bit about how its implemented cross-platform:
>     http://re-factor.blogspot.com/2013/01/which.html
> On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 2:30 PM, CW Alston <cwalsto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the replies. Maybe a clue here - I get this from "which":
>> IN: scratchpad USE: tools.which
>> IN: scratchpad "docsplit" which .
>> f
>> IN: scratchpad "couchdb" which .
>> f
>> IN: scratchpad "ruby" which  .
>> f
>> Whereas in the terminal:
>> ➜  ~ git:(master) ✗ which docsplit
>> /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin/docsplit
>> ➜  ~ git:(master) ✗ which couchdb
>> /usr/local/bin/couchdb
>> ➜  ~ git:(master) ✗ which ruby
>> /usr/local/bin/ruby
>> Let me try moving up to the most recent development release
>> & see if the problem disappears. I'll get back to you.
>> Best,
>> ~cw
>> On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 7:42 AM, John Benediktsson <mrj...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Well if you want process output, you can do something like:
>>>     { "docsplit" "text" "--no-clean" "-l" "path" } utf8 [ lines ]
>>> with-process-reader
>>> or without output, using a single command string:
>>>     "docsplit text --no-clean -l path" run-process drop
>>> You can docsplit a directory of files:
>>>     : docsplit ( file -- )
>>>         { "docsplit" "text" "--no-clean" "-l" }
>>>         swap prefix run-process drop ;
>>>     : docsplit-all ( path -- )
>>>         directory-files [ docsplit ] each ;
>>> And concatenate all the files in a directory:
>>>     # bash
>>>     ls *.factor | sort | xargs -I '{}' cat '{}'
>>>     # factor
>>>     : cat-results ( path -- )
>>>         directory-files [ ".txt" tail? ] filter natural-sort
>>>         [ file-lines ] map concat ;
>>> Or something like that, which part are you having problems with?
>>> Best,
>>> John.
>>> On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 2:32 AM, CW Alston <cwalsto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi folks -
>>>> I am thrilled to find a versatile open-source optical character
>>>> recognition
>>>> engine called docsplit <http://documentcloud.github.io/docsplit/>.
>>>> I've got it installed easily as a ruby gem, & it works
>>>> just great on my Mac as a shell command (it also provides a ruby
>>>> module):
>>>> ➜  ~ git:(master) ✗ which docsplit
>>>> /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin/docsplit
>>>> ➜  ~ git:(master) ✗
>>>> I need such a tool to extract text from a deep directory tree, with a
>>>> couple thousand
>>>> folders. Each leaf folder contains 3-6 scanned pdfs (in Chinese &
>>>> English), from which
>>>> docsplit makes a plaintext (.txt) file with the same basename,
>>>> deposited in the same
>>>> leaf directory. My Factor vocab can easily visit each leaf dir &
>>>> prepare to pass each pdf
>>>> there to docsplit in the format it happily handles in the terminal (I
>>>> use oh-my-zsh & iTerm2).
>>>> My Factor code chokes on this intermediate step, trying to call
>>>> docsplit.
>>>> Going to the terminal, I have to first cd to the directory containing
>>>> the pdfs, e.g.,
>>>> ➜  ~ git:(master) ✗ cd /path/to/1_long_gu
>>>> then call docsplit with the appropriate flags on each pdf:
>>>> ➜  1_long_gu git:(master) ✗ docsplit text --no-clean -l chi_sim
>>>> long_gu001.pdf
>>>> ➜  1_long_gu git:(master) ✗ docsplit text --no-clean -l eng
>>>> long_gu002.pdf
>>>> etc., for each pdf, & docsplit gives back a bunch of text files in the
>>>> dir like
>>>> /path/to/1_long_gu/long_gu001.txt
>>>> In the terminal, even a compound phrase like the following works
>>>> without a hitch:
>>>> ➜  ~ git:(master) ✗ cd /path/to/1_long_gu ; docsplit text --no-clean -l
>>>> chi_sim long_gu001.pdf ; docsplit text --no-clean -l eng long_gu002.pdf ;
>>>> docsplit text --no-clean -l eng long_gu003.pdf ;...
>>>> ➜  1_long_gu git:(master) ✗
>>>> So, working from the terminal, I wind up with a series of text files in
>>>> /path/to/1_long_gu
>>>> that my Factor vocab amalgamates into a single text file (with
>>>> whitespace in filename), e.g.,
>>>> /path/to/1_long_gu/long gu.txt, which I can edit for mistakes, and
>>>> upload to a couchdb database.
>>>> Joy!
>>>> But I haven't been able to work out how to accomplish this docsplit
>>>> call from Factor code.
>>>> I have no problem traversing the directory tree (Factor's word
>>>> each-file & the like come in
>>>> very handy). I've experimented with io.launcher, io.pipes, shell
>>>> scripts (bash, zsh, factor),
>>>> & autoload shell functions, but flunked out. No errors with io.launcher
>>>> tries; just no result.
>>>> Need to learn something here. I routinely launch couchdb as a detached
>>>> <process>.
>>>> It would be such a boon to use docsplit in Factor. After a couple weeks
>>>> lost at sea with this,
>>>> I'm broadcasting a Mayday. Any suggestions?
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> ~cw
>>>> --
>>>> *~ Memento Amori*
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>> *~ Memento Amori*

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