Hi, all!

  I'm a newbie trying to understand Factor.

  Today I wrote a function called ndrop. The idea is that if you have nine 
pieces of junk on the stack you could write "9 ndrop" to get rid of them. 
Here's my attempted solution:

USING: kernel math ;
IN: ndrop

! Drop n items from the stack (plus the "n" itself).
: ndrop ( ..n -- ) [ dup 0 > ] [ 1 - swap drop ] while drop ;

  When I try to run it I get some error messages that I need your help 

The word ndrop cannot be executed because it failed to compile

The input quotations to “while” don't match their expected effects
Input             Expected         Got
[ dup 0 > ]       ( ..a -- ..b ? ) ( x -- x x )
[ 1 - swap drop ] ( ..b -- ..a )   ( x x -- x )

  Regarding the first line:
Input             Expected         Got
[ dup 0 > ]       ( ..a -- ..b ? ) ( x -- x x )

  I read it as "a boolean is expected at the stack top, but some other value 
was found".
  How can that be if the last function is ">", and it does return a boolean.

  Regarding the second line:
Input             Expected         Got
[ 1 - swap drop ] ( ..b -- ..a )   ( x x -- x )

  I read it as "you can't reduce the stack size inside the loop body".
  Why not?

  Any general advice would be highly welcome as well.


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