Hi Alexander,

The input quotations to “while” don't match their expected effects
> Input             Expected         Got
> [ dup 0 > ]       ( ..a -- ..b ? ) ( x -- x x )
> [ 1 - swap drop ] ( ..b -- ..a )   ( x x -- x )
>   Regarding the first line:
These two lines can not be interpreted separately, as you'll se below.

Input             Expected         Got
> [ dup 0 > ]       ( ..a -- ..b ? ) ( x -- x x )
>   I read it as "a boolean is expected at the stack top, but some other
> value was found".

The first line means "starting from a number of elements on the stack
(represented as "..a"), there should be "..b" elements and a boolean on the
stack. In your case, based on the "Got" column, it means ..a is 1 element,
and ..b and the boolean are 2 elements (so ..b is 1 element). It doesn't
say anything about the types of the elements.

>   How can that be if the last function is ">", and it does return a
> boolean.
The error is not about the types of the elements (using '?' does mean the
type should be a boolean, but it is just a convention). The two lines can't
be read separately: quoting from the docs (
http://docs.factorcode.org/content/article-effects-variables.html) : "the
number of inputs or outputs represented by a particular .. name must match
among all of the quotations". So the error is about the fact that the
second line forces "..b" to represent 2 elements, which contradicts the
first line where ..b must represent 1 element.

>   I read it as "you can't reduce the stack size inside the loop body".
>   Why not?
Words must have a known fixed stack effect. This is a design decision. The
number of inputs and outputs is fixed, must be declared and must match the
result inferred from the body of the word.

This is explained in
http://docs.factorcode.org/content/article-cookbook.html and its linked
articles (for example

However, there is some more advanced stuff to this:
- Some flexibilty is allowed for inline words (see
http://docs.factorcode.org/content/article-effects-variables.html) which
allows them to have a stack effect depending on their inputs. Still the
resulting stack effect must be fixed at each call site.
- Also, ndrop already exists in the library:
The key to make it work is to use macros (
http://docs.factorcode.org/content/article-macros.html). "1 ndrop" is
changed into  "[ drop ] [ call ] keep drop", "2 ndrop" is changed into "[
drop ] [ call ] keep [ call ] keep drop", etc.
You can see it by entering "[ drop ] 2 call-n" in the graphical listener
and pressing CTRL-m.
But this means the argument to ndrop must be a known at compile time so
that the macro expansion succeeds. For example:
: foo ( x x -- ) 1 1 + ndrop ; ! error, Cannot apply “call-n” to a run-time
computed value
: bar ( x x -- ) 2 ndrop ; ! OK

Hope that helps,
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