You can reset the memoized so then next time it gets called it will memoize

    IN: scratchpad \ windows-fonts reset-memoized

You could probably put that in a .factor-rc if you need it run on startup.

Why do you need those icon images cached in the Factor image?

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 1:43 AM, Alexander Ilin <> wrote:

> Hello, John!
>   Thank you for the reply! Now I know exactly what the problem is.
>   I've `save`d an image on Win7, and running it on WinXP. Naturally, I
> have the wrong set of fonts MEMO-ized there.
>   What would be the best way to deal with this? Is it possible to create
> an image that's runnable on all supported Windows platforms? My goal is to
> have the minimal number of files in the distro.
>   A related question: is it possible to somehow cache all the images from
>     basis/definitions/icons and
>     basis/ui/tools/error-list/icons and
>     basis/ui/theme/images
>   into the image-file? Is there a setting for that?
> 25.07.2016, 05:06, "John Benediktsson" <>:
> The Listener uses "monospace", which is bound to either Consolas
> or Courier New, depending on the Windows version:
> It might be that one of those is not available on your thumb drive setup
> and it uses some fallback font?
> You can change the listener font and font-size with ``set-listener-font``
> in ````, for example:
>     IN: scratchpad "Times New Roman" 16 set-listener-font
> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Alexander Ilin <> wrote:
> Hello!
>   What kind of font does the Listener use, and how do I configure it?
>   For me it's some kind of a nice fixed-width font. But when I copy the
> Factor on a thumb drive with a minimal set of files (factor.image, some
> DLLs, some tiffs in subfolders) the Listener's font is something weird, and
> not fixed-width. I wonder if I miss some file on my thumbdrive
> installation, or is that due to some setting in Windows on the target
> machine.
> ---=====---
> Александр
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