Hello, Tim!

28.01.2017, 21:55, "Timothy Hobbs" <timo...@hobbs.cz>:
> I noticed that factor likes to write to its own source directory, creating 
> factor files, by default in ./factor/work.

  I can't say Factor does much writing to its source directories. What did you 
do to make it?

  It can create some files in its root folder, next to the main executable, if 
you do file output operations without changing the current directory, or if you 
save the image file, but other than that I haven't noticed much writing going 

> How does this work when you update factor?

  In the Factor distribution the work folder is empty, except for the 
README.txt that states that it's the folder for your own projects. It contains 
only things you put in there (using scaffold-work, for example), so when you 
update Factor, its contents will be preserved.


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