--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rudra_joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...>
> To think that one is only what they are born into is fatalistic
and inhuman. To think that Jesus the Jew shaped  his philosophy and
love for all of humankind merely on the tenets of his fathers was
like saying Einstein merely followed up on Newton. >>>

Thats not what I said. I said Buddha was born and bred in a Vedic
culture and rejected some Vedic practices, and carried some others
on and changed some around.
----Honestly, you don't write as if you know much about Buddha or Buddhism. Sorry, my two piase. Do you know what the three turnings of the wheel of dharma are? If not then please don't speak about the Buddha again as your words are more useless on this topic than cigarette smoke.

Besides , Jesus was echoing things laready in his tradition. Its
just that he was talking to a bunch of real live people with all the
usual faults etc. (Kinda like a liberal living ina red state
----Same again, what even about the figment Jesus are you speaking about. Have you studied your gnosis and apocrypha?  I'd guess not or you would know that Jesus for instance believed that the God of this realm was a feminine who he most likely called Sophia.  If that's a shocker then you need to read on.... and get true to your source material, not true to your ignorance.  Try getting outside yourself and expand your reading. My guess is that you already know Hinduism like your cock.

skin flips. Been there, done that. As a witch I felt closer to Jesus
than most of his professed priests, and when I burned I thought of
him on the cross with pity, for they knew not what they did those
ignorant fucks. Who kill what they don't understand. >>>>

What are you on man?
-----Uh, recently gave up poppy tea. gave up in the past lsd, coke, crack, opiates, and will continue to do shroomies, cacti, herb, and other naturals.  What am I not on Man?  But guess what? We're at the same dining table. The crumbs of which as Gibran said, are this feast of words. Don't like it don't eat it. Have you ever meditated stoned? Try it, you might be surprised that it's not only still possible but utterly fucking phenomenal. 
At other times I meditated jonesing from crack after spending two hundred bucks smoking rocks with niggers in the ghetto. Sweatin and shakin.  There's no separation for me between religion and my very own guts. That makes me sound crazy at times. Imagine rigpa in opiate withdrawls.  If the state of awareness is not there always then it's not there at all.  A merely good time friend. Other people can learn from madmen, so you can too.

> This is where tantra teaches one to hold to the dark and the
light, hold to enlightenment, and yet remain to serve and grow,
because tantra teaches us that the dark is merely a component of our
basic nature, like the NI in the agnim, very necessary for self
reflection, nay the anima and unconscious is the source of potential
for growth. I've been into this lateley, this darkness theme,
because I learned that we October Libras are quite familiar with the
occult and we like twisted 13s and walking under ladders and having
Crowley's birthday and pigeons flying left and black cats and all
that jazz. But on the bright side we can reconcile that with the
sattva of our awareness during samadhi. In fact to see the rainbows
over Bourbon Street  and the light of spirits being poured and
raised, yeah, in this deep tamas of the American South deep in the
voodoo one sees the heart of God pulsating. I swear before you all
that if the Apocalypse comes then they'll throw down in New Orleans
like nowhere else on Earth. Oh yeah, the marching bands will play
and it would get rowdy in a good way. I'm trying best as I can to
relay that there's no tradition for deep thought or cognizance
because it is one with the base.
> >>>

---What is?

utilizes desire to make us transcend duality. He would send his
girlfriend to get them if he forgot them. 

Great. It could be that the things around us in space all have a
correlation in the brain. In fact the brain creates them. And the
right things at the right time can cause subtle neuronal and
cellular evololution.
---- I don't think that the brain creates the phenomena. The brain is a perceptive organ which is one with the phenomena.  That's different.  As above so below relates to the whole body and not just the brain so you know, the brain thing is sort of forgetting the cosmic that exists in the skin. Not familiar, get yourself some chocolate Girl. Once you go Black, oh you know the rest.  Skin is very cosmic.  14 billion years of evolution in a soft surface primpted and perfected just for you. Now that's intergalactic, or it's _expression_ will someday be.
---I'm sorry Off_World if I sound like an asshole.  Even myself I'll change my mind about everything I just said prolly, so I offer it to you. I hate words if they can't capture truth.  Truth is hard to obtain in words. The best one can hope for is that the words will whack someone's assemblage point. I have the benefits of my shamanic background and alkaloidal nervous system to be able to shift my mind around to get new perspectives.  Others don't have or want that dangerous luxury.

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