Well, if this was the case at least someone could keep a checkbook on their moral value and upliftment in their world, but would it be the same as their real checkbook as the movement thinks? I guess only if one is selling air. I owe a hundredthousand bucks on my undergrad and so I'm always wonderin what the moral analogue of that is.
----- Original Message -----
From: akasha_108
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 9:49 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: THE PRICE OF TM.

Well, MMY used to use an analogy equating TM with building a house. So
I think a 30 year nortgage is called for -- to be automaticaly
deducted from ones checking account each month. So I think a 30 yr
mortgage on TMO initiation is called for.

At 10% down, $250, and at a 5% fixed rate, the payments would be $.40
a day, or just over $12/month. Cheaper than basic cable. And I suppose
advanced programs, yagyas, AV, could be treated all the same. High
rollers might sign up for the "mansion" of inner housing and take all
40 vedic pathways to enlightenment, for a mere $480 / month.

Of course, the rage now is 103% financing for homes, so that no down
payment is required, and closing costs are covered by the extra 3%.
A TMO equivalent 30 yr 103% financing monthly mortgage payment would
be 45 cents a day or $13.82 per month. The extra $75 (the 3%) could
cover fruit, flowers, and tips for the flower girls.

Knowing MMY, actually, I think he would love this idea. (not a ding,
but if this idea were brought up, he would go, "yes, very good, we
should do it."

Of course the movement can bundle up all the mortgages and sell them
off to get the value of the mortgage now (You know, living in the NOW)
--   like banks do to Fannie Mae with their housing mortgages. But
will the TMO only be paid back in Raams?

And I am not sure what happens if someone defaults on their loan. Do
they get a "sin dump" -- all their TMO absorbed sin dumped back on
them in whole, at once? After a few poor souls got that effect, and
were so physically and mentally wiped out by it, I am sure few after
that would dare to default. Poster could be made -- "Do you want to
end up like this guy?  Then TM twice a day, and once a month at the bank."

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