OK, so we now have a lot of lively "states of consciousness" 
floating around as geometries of consciousness inside the "pleroma" 
or Avyakta or Unmanifest within the Hiranyagarbha. Brahma -- the 
golden central Sun or Ahamkara -- is now become Aditi, in 
recognizing that Her central bindu-point has 12 Adityas, limbs, 
spokes, radii or rays along the lines of Universal Space. She now 
assigns each of the first 12 unfoldments or geometries of 
consciousness to one of Her rays. These 12 become Her (our) primary 
directions or filters or Space regions for perceiving the world. We 
could call these our constellations. She discovers a simple flow 
that allows the rays to smoothly light up in sequence, like the 
lights of a theatre-marquis, to create a smooth illusion of time-
movement, oscillating around Her equator in a kind of sine-wave -- a 
rainbow serpent.

She also lays out the 12 consciousness-forms in a straightforward 
row, from the 1 (Sun) to 2 (Mercury) to 3 (Venus) and so on, all the 
way out to the 12 ("Lunar" or outermost Systemic body); these are 
her "planets." Meanwhile "as" Brahma in Purusha She wants to span 
the vertical "sushumna" or torus-core between Vishnu/Indra below Her 
(Her feet chakra) and Shiva/Rudra above Her (Her crown chakra). In 
recognizing Herself as the central 13, the sum of the rays, she 
arranges the 12 into six chakra-pairs, each pair containing 13 
consciousness-points (i.e. Herself) between them, and strings these 
pairs as 6 rungs down and up a spiralling double-helix "ladder" 
around herSelf: 1 (Sun) through 6 (Jupiter) down, and 7 (Saturn) 
through 12 ("Moon" or outermost Systemic body) up --essentially, 
proto-DNA. (Actually, this double-spiral ladder consists of stacked 
tetrahedra flanked by octahedra, again simple Universal-space 
geometry, but that's a lot easier to show than to describe.) 

The topmost rung has the 12 (Lunar Icosahedron) and the 1 (Solar 
point); and as it has the highest "differential" (12 - 1 = 11) 
between the two "planets," the string or ladder-rung between them 
vibrates extremely fast. We might hear this sound as a long "I", 
pronounced EEEE in English. The "Sun" (innermost bindu-point of the 
system) and the "Moon" (actually the outermost shell or skin of the 
System) become Aditi's -- or Purusha's -- two eyes. Midway above 
them is the Third Eye, the Loka of the Vanir or Devas (Gods), 
Avyukta in miniature.

The next-lower rung has the 2 (Mercury) and the 11 ("Isis" or South 
Node); it has the next-highest differential (11 - 2 = 9) between the 
two planets, and so the string rung between them vibrates slightly 
slower. We might hear this sound as an "EH".  Mercury and "Isis" 
become the two "wing-points" atop Aditi's shoulders, and midway 
between them is the Throat, the Loka of the Bright Elves or Bright 
Gandarvas (Angels), Akasha in miniature.

Down one rung brings us to the 10 ("Proserpina" or North Node) and 
the 3 (Venus); its differential (10 - 3 = 7) vibrates a bit slower, 
as an "AH". These two "planets" become Purusha's breasts, and midway 
above them is the Heart, the Loka of the Giants or Pitris 
(Ancestors), Buddhi in miniature.

Next we come to the midpoint, where Brahma-Aditi has placed herself. 
As the 13, she is the Earth, and her "shadow" is Pluto. These form 
Purusha's Solar Plexus. This central node is unvoiced, sounding 
as "H". This is the Loka of Middle Earth, the Humans; Ahamkara in 

Down one more rung brings us to the 4 (Mars) and the 9 (Neptune); 
their differential (9 - 4 = 5) is a bit slower, vibrating as an "O" 
or rounded "AW". These two planets are Purusha's spleen (Mars) and 
liver (Neptune); midway below them is the Navel, the Loka of the 
Fire Giants, Manas in miniature.

Descending one rung further we arrive at the 8 (Uranus) and the 5 
(Asteroids); their differential (8 - 5 = 3) is yet slower, and 
vibrates as an "U" (almost as in "should"). These two planets are 
Purusha's ovaries or hips; midway below them is the Sex, the Loka of 
the Dark Elves or Dark Gandharvas, Prana in miniature.

Descending to the bottom rung we find the 6 (Jupiter) and the 7 
(Saturn); their differential (7 - 6 = 1) is the slowest, and 
vibrates as "W" (almost as in "boot," but with tongue very far back 
and with very closely pursed lips. These are Purusha's buttocks; 
midway and below them is the Base, the Loka of the Dwarves, Annamaya 
in miniature.

Sounding these notes in order up and down the ladder gives us 
IEAHOUW - WUOHAEI, the Mantra of Purushic (Adityaic) Full-Body 


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