> The obvious conclusion is that MMY is a dreamer, but not very

Is this thought true?
----Well, any thought is true, for that thought. Discussion is the tried and true method of honing intellect.

Do we know for certain that this thought is true?
----I expect no absolutes within relative thinking, mine or yours, or Maharishi's. His thoughts might be especially intuitive but so what, they're still relative and will be washed away by Mahakali.

How do we feel when we think this thought?
-----I feel fine, you?

(Not saying we *should* drop it, but) How would we feel without this
-----The same.

(Again, not saying we *should* drop it, but) Can we see any reason
to drop this thought?
-----Not really. As even if Maharishi changed the structure of the world his plan would still have no place for compassion but merely for the will to power.

Is the turnaround truer or as true? "The obvious conclusion is that
*I* am a dreamer, but not very realistic."
-----Things must be taken on their own level as blaming anyone or anything for things besides ones own karma and responsibility is dualistic and unwise. One can own the whole world, but still can't put it in their pocket. Overreaching is a sign of discontent, which is a sign of lack of content, which is a sign that the Absolute is not really known.

If desired we may apply this process as well to the statement
previously made about George W. Bush (something along the lines
of "he acts dumber than he is"), or anything else one perceives to
be "others" or "out there" causing any degree whatsoever of
discomfort or "suffering."
-----I said it before, but to ignore suffering is to undo the acts of all wise people from all time, all of who acted out of compassion, or they were't given the title of 'wise.'

All glory to Guru Katie.
----And to my wife, who really does rock! And to the Buddha, Thanks Bud! And to my Mother. Thanks Mom, and to 14 billion years of dependent origination which is Maya wherein we play. Thanks Ma. And to the Absolute. Oh Absolutely!


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