New Morning et al snipped :
But my view doesn't include a "SHOULD", its more of a visionary

Absolutely agree. But in order to spring fully into the could I find I
need to see the perfection of what IS and not as a static IS but an
everchanging, ever perfect IS. As one friend recently commented. The
only thing he is absolutely sure is the very next moment. After that
all bets are off as IS likes to keep it all in ever changing change.

New M et al:
Thats a nice poetic vision. But clearly you are not offering it up as
an inevitable, tightly honed causal relationship.

Tom T;
That is exactly what I am saying and that was the message I heard from
her. It is also my experience of how I live my life. Since this all me
the closest and most effective place to work on the could is right
here at home inside (or outside depending on the day)the one thing I
have the most knowledge about and the greatest place I have the chance
of seeing my could is right here and now on my obvious defects of
character. Change it here and it changes there. Really too simple and
the easiest place to focus. Find out what part of me the could can
come to life in and then see what happens to the rest of Me.

Sort of parallel to, greatly paraphrasing,  "the consciousness of
christ stretch so tightly over the entire surface and scope of the
universes it makes you shiver. -- per  larry of madision.

Actually it is scary as heck. It will change how you see the creation
when it is all You. Enjoy Tom

PS: Will be traveling for 10 days starting Thursday so I may not a
chance to respond for a while.

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