Ron (or shoud we call you by your new name?), what's
the name of the guru "commissioned" by Poonjaji?

--- Ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> HP: I will do my best to respond. If you want
> insight into my Guru by reading, then all of 
> what Ramana has to say is the same my Guru would
> say. My Guru's last guru that apointed 
> my Guru as Guru, was commissioned to be a guru by
> Poonjaji. In addition, my Guru's Guru 
> had 3 tantric masters and his father was an
> enlightened being
> > --- In, "Ron"
> <sidha7001@> wrote:
> > >
> > > The use of words may be frustrating in this
> case. Often My Guru 
> > will say "this one" 
> > 
> > Right, but Ramana Maharshi and others say "I'.
> Saying "this one" all 
> > the time is ridiculous!..
> HP: My guru does not say "this one" all the time,
> and I am sure that all the gurus you 
> mentioned dont say "I" all the time either
> > 
> > > replacing the word "I", the other Gurus in my
> path do the same. My 
> > Guru said that 
> > > speaking this way is researved or those Realized
> because the "me" 
> > is gone and there is 
> > 
> > Again, absurd. Tell your Guru to try speaking
> Engles, Senor.
> HP: Considering that my Guru is enlightened and has
> brought 2 others this past year so far 
> to enlightenment, referring to my Guru as absurd is
> not only absurd but VERY IGNORANT, 
> in my opinion. 
> > 
> > 
> > > nothing to replace it with. On other occasions,
> my Guru will say I 
> > and me, but in general in 
> > > my gurus books, she cautions the disciples not
> to view the Guru as 
> > persona but as 
> > > consciousness
> > 
> > Why would your Guru caution people to engage in
> mood making?  
> HP: When a Guru brings 2 to enlightenment in one
> year, why they engage in certain 
> methodologies is not important, and certainly if a
> student ( I realize you are not) needs to 
> ask why, they are in the wrong place
>  thMMY 
> > doesn't caution people in that manner. 
> HP: ok, then question this since it is apparent that
> there are none conming to realization 
> there
>  Your Guru is an oddball.
> HP: Some people may call you an asshole but I
> certainly won't. I am a really calm guy. I 
> will cast my opinion though and say that deep down,
> you know this is not the right thing 
> to do, telling a disciple that their guru is an
> oddball. I could go into depth in responding to 
> this but no need really.
> > > 
> > > Generally speaking, Gurus will say I and me, and
> as I cast my 
> > opinion before, when they 
> > > use this speach, and if they are claiming
> enlightenment, and at the 
> > same time referring to 
> > > the individual I, then this is dellusion.
> > 
> > Again, Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj
> have used the "I" 
> > word on many occations, MMY likewise, and Jerry
> Jarvis.  Are you 
> > saying these people are not Enlightened? 
> HP: My Guru has also used the "I " word on many
> occasions. saying the above are 
> enlightened or not is not based on this.
> > > 
> > > Since there is no "Me", then when they use this,
> they are 
> > referenceing something other- I 
> > > think this is understood by many or most here. 
> > 
> > Precisely, at last we agree on something!. But
> nobody on this forum 
> > said there WAS a false "Me" or "I".  
> HP: I think you may have meant to phrase this line a
> bit better
> Besides, what's so special about 
> > that declaration, in view of the fact that Sages
> have been saying 
> > this for thousands of years.
> HP: It is not that it is special, it is more that
> even though it is in the scriptures and said by 
> sages for thousands of years, it still continues to
> be in place- so again, the fallacy that a 
> me gains enlightenment is very much in the
> forefront. My Guru's comments speaking 
> FROM BEING is " I just tell people the truth, I
> never existed nor will I ever" . Your general 
> response is to call her an odd ball- so it seems
> indirectly that you will stick with you 
> thought, understanding or whatever it is- and insist
> that the me is there. Can you go to 
> your guru and get insights on this? 
> HP: I have my guru, and this is the inspiration in
> what i write. Progress is looking good 
> here for me and the other disciples. I dont mind
> responding but if you had the name 
> calling like this such as odd ball, then my odd ball
> Guru would show you the door very 
> quickly. What my path is about is transparency,
> honesty, integrity and respect.
> > > 
> > > The bottom line is not changing as I see it- my
> Guru's comments-
> >  "the fallacy is that a 
> > > "me"  becomes enlightened
> > 
> > Nobody every said a "me" becomes Enlightened. 
> Stop confusing the 
> > issues.  As reported by various Enlightened
> persons, Enlightenment as 
> > a Realization takes place within the realm of
> apparent space-time; in 
> > which case the individuals REPORT that they
> "became" Enlightned; 
> > realized the innate, "prior", pure Consciousness
> of the Self.
> > Thus, in the process of an apparent progression in
> which the 
> > obstacles to Enlightenment were gradually (or
> perhaps suddenly) 
> > removed, the false "me" obviously cannot exist.
> >  However, the "I" or "me" as mentioned by Ramana
> and Nisargadatta 
> > Maharaj, and many others, still exists as a
> body/mind minus the 
> > delusion of separateness.
> HP: I guess we can call it a paradox, and limitation
> with the use of words but again part of 
> this paradox is refleected in the quote I mentioned
> where my guru told someone right in 
> front of me "I tell people the truth, I never
> existed nor will I ever"
> >  For example, Rory states that he realized the
> Self at some 
> > particular time (I forgot the year, 2001?)
> HP:Yogananda was confirmed enlightened by his Guru,
> My guru by her Guru, Her Guru by 
> his Guru.
> HP: MMY was not, sri sri ravi shankar was not. It
> takes some deep investigation, then the 
> truth comes out
> > Adi Da says he realized the Self in 1970 while at
> the Vedanta Temple 
> > in Hollywood.
> HP: I think he also says he is a unique incarnation
> special than any other? He is the 
> greatest of his kind to ever come along in history
> > Ramakrishna says he realized the Self after
> getting initiated by a 
> > Brahmin in some non-dualist school.
> > Ramana says he realized the Self on 7-17-1896.
> > Lakshmana, a disciple of Ramana, claims he
> realized the Self (I 
> > believe in 1949); at which time shortly
> thereafter, he handed a note 
> > to Ramana saying "I have realized the Self".
> > HWL Poonja says he realized the Self while in the
> presence of Ramana 
> > Maharshi. 
> > Obviously, the Realization the Self implies that
> the "I" acting as an 
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