"POP! - something happened inside my ear. Turns out the hole
spontaneouly closed, I'm assuming in that moment. About 100 yards from
the dorm in my "frat room."

Do the terms "simultaneity" and "causality" have separate meanings for
you?  They are actually completely separate concepts once you get to
know them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter
> I think the domes have some effect, much as I have gripes against
the movement. I used to teach school at MIU Elementary, often missing
the domes because I was in rebellion at the time, or just plain busy
correcting papers. Every day when superradiance time came, I felt an
intense calm, an intense inward pull, that was undeniable, despite how
much I detested the movement at that time. The fact used to piss me
off, actually. I wanted TM to be either all bad or all good. 
>   One event engraved this experience in my memory. I had had a bad
ear infection some months before, requiring a tube insertion. When the
doctor removed the tube, the hole in the eardrum was expected to
close. But it never did. Months went by, and the doc said I needed
surgery to close the hole, as it wasn't going to close spontaneously.
I said, "What is the longest time I can wait til I have to get the
surgery?" He said, "Another month tops, but why wait? It isn't going
to close if it didn't do it within the first few weeks." 
>   About two weeks after that conversation, while I was playing hooky
from superradiance as I liked to do, sitting in my dorm room reading,
suddenly - POP! - something happened inside my ear. Turns out the hole
spontaneouly closed, I'm assuming in that moment. About 100 yards from
the dorm in my "frat room." 
>   I think we can affect the universe by touching down on the deepest
layer of consciousness and thinking thoughts from there. That's one
thing TM had right. We may not be established in pure consciousness,
but that isn't necessary to move nature. You just have to get your
fingers on the keyboard of the cosmic computer for a few moments and
tap in whatever you like. Formulaic expressions, as we got in the
siddhi sutras, aren't necessary. Not even that useful, in my opinion.
Kinda like canned vegies as opposed to the real ones, which is
probably why they don't produce many results. But Patanjali's
principle is sound: you can create reality by thinking thoughts from
the heart of consciousness. That is, after all, the generation point
of the universe. 
>   - Bronte
> "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>           In my short stay in the dome in the 80's I'm sure I was
counted as
> being one Siddha in the dome, and I can say that I am NOT enlightened
> and therefore was NOT functioning from the Home of ALL the Laws of
> Nature, far from it! So you do the math, how could the ME effect
> possibly be accurate?
> Now if you mean I had some *faint* awareness of Being (or the home of
> all the laws of nature)then yes, but has Hagelin (or MMY) ever defined
> what it means to be functioning from the home of all the laws of
> nature? and just what IS the *Home of all the Laws of Nature*?
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