--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter
> <brontebaxter8@> wrote:
> >   I think we can affect the universe by touching down on the 
> >layer of consciousness and thinking thoughts from there. That's 
> >thing TM had right. We may not be established in pure 
> >but that isn't necessary to move nature. 
> I think in order for it to be "stronger than the nuclear force" as
> Hagelin puts it, you have to be operating FROM the home of all the
> laws of nature, pure consciousness, not somewhere in the vicinity.
> >You just have to get your fingers on the keyboard of the cosmic
> >computer for a few moments and tap in whatever you like.
> That happens automatically with any thought!
> > But Patanjali's principle is sound: you can create reality by
> >thinking thoughts from the heart of consciousness. That is, after
> >all, the generation point of the universe. 
> Which isn't happening!!!!! A few bubbles of transcending does not
> constitute "thinking thoughts from the heart of consciousness" IMO.
Which is something that the practice of the TMSP greatly 
accelerates. Some don't see a lot of value in the formulaic results 
of the packaged sutras, though more importantly, what is happening 
through this practice is the area we are able to act from in the 
context of pure consciousness, the heart of consciousness, is 
greatly expanded, after some time.:-) 

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