Good one.

I have not listened to her in some time. Perhaps time to again.

> I ain't no damsel in distress
> and I don't need to be rescued

 seems to well sum up a prevailing mind-set of some.

On a tangental topic, 

her line

> and I am a patriot
> I have been fighting the good fight

struck me. As quite an interesting take on "patriot".

I am sick of jingoists hyjacking the term. I grew up on "the Sons of
Liberty" theme, Johnny Trumain, and all. Beyond childhood heros, I
know patriotism is a much deeper than the shallow way it is used by
some today as a shiny (as in hollow) badge of honor. 

I think back to the war resisters of many wars. As an example, to me,
they are generally far more patriotic than those haughtingly and
dismissively wearing an american flags on their lapels. 

War resisters,  or anyone passionately furthering a cause -- fighting
for a cause they are committed to, to make the their country, but more
important, to make the world a better place. Perhaps a better, newer
word needs to be struck for patriots of the world and humandkind. But
deFranco gets at that: 

> and I am a patriot
> I have been fighting the good fight

She is not talking about country, but about causes. America in 1775
was a cause. Today, in ways its a sad characture of itself. Like Denny
 Crane -- for Boston Legal fans (as endearing as Denny is in his
crusty way).

patri -- must be the same root at partiarch. Fight for he "FatherLand".

How about fight for the Humanland? Or the Natureland  -- not to
discriminate and ignore our animal brothers and sisters. A Natriot?
A Lifriot? A Oneriot? A Lovriot? Sounds like Love Riot. (not to be
confused with a Love Orgy I suppose.)

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All this talk about women and the need to "protect"
> them got me remembering the best song I've ever heard
> on the subject. It's by Ani DiFranco, and in the world
> of women's music it's considered nigh unto an anthem.
> I think you can listen to the whole song here (but I'm
> not sure because it won't play for me from outside the
> US):  
> Here are the lyrics:
> I am not a pretty girl
> that is not what I do
> I ain't no damsel in distress
> and I don't need to be rescued
> so put me down punk
> maybe you'd prefer a maiden fair
> isn't there a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere
> I am not an angry girl
> but it seems like I've got everyone fooled
> every time I say something they find hard to hear
> they chalk it up to my anger
> and never to their own fear
> and imagine you're a girl
> just trying to finally come clean
> knowing full well they'd prefer you
> were dirty and smiling
> And I am sorry
> I am not a maiden fair
> and I am not a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere
> And generally my generation
> wouldn't be caught dead working for the man
> and generally I agree with them
> trouble is you gotta have yourself an alternate plan
> and I have earned my disillusionment
> I have been working all of my life
> and I am a patriot
> I have been fighting the good fight
> And what if there are no damsels in distress
> what if I knew that and I called your bluff?
> don't you think every kitten figures out how to get down
> whether or not you ever show up?

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